Tag Archives: first aid advice

First Aid tips for Bees and Wasp Stings

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With the fabulous weather we are seeing this summer it is extremely common for people to get stung by bee and wasp stings, especially when spending time outside and eating outside. Recognition: First there is pain where the person has been stung, followed by redness and swelling around the site of the sting. If you…

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Halloween – Top tips for staying safe

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One of the most eagerly awaited nights of the year is on its way. Most parents’ worry is that their child will eat too many sweets. Stay safe at Halloween and remember to encourage children to be aware of choking risks. Don’t let your children run with sweets in their mouth, and remember to check…

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Staying Safe in the Sun

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As the hot weather continues here are some tips to help you stay safe in the sun. Dehydration is a common side effect of high temperatures and outdoor time during the summer. Keeping everyone well hydrated is particularly important in this hot weather. Drink plenty of water and don’t forget to look out for those…

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First Aid for Fainting

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Fainting is usually caused by a reduction in oxygenated blood flowing to the brain and can be described as a brief loss of consciousness. People often faint due to lack of food, exhaustion, dehydration, standing still for a long period of time, pain or emotional stress. Possible Signs and Symptoms: A brief loss of consciousness,…

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During the winter months it is important to look after yourselves from the dangers of cold weather. Infants, the elderly and frail are the most vulnerable. However, anyone can suffer from hypothermia and it can be serious. Hypothermia occurs when a person’s body temperature drops from the normal 37C to below 35C. Hypothermia can be…

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eye injuries picture

First Aid for Eye Injuries

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Eye injuries are always a concern for a first aider because the risk to a casualty’s vision is serious. So, as a first aider, your aim is to prevent the situation from worsening and making sure the casualty is safe and comfortable. Possible Signs and Symptoms: Pain or discomfort in the eye Redness and/or watering…

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During the winter months it is important to look after yourselves from the dangers of cold weather. Infants, the elderly and frail are the most vulnerable. However, anyone can suffer from hypothermia and it can be serious. Hypothermia occurs when a person’s body temperature drops from the normal 37C to below 35C. Hypothermia can be…

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